Sunday 25 February 2018

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 007 - GARY WENKO #1

I've been making models of captured equipment for years now. Although not all models are competition quality, many of them are of interesting subjects and markings and in any case it's nice to be able to share the interest.
- Gary Wenko -
1/48 Fine Molds Ki-43 III in French markings
1/72 Tamiya Seiran in speculative "attack" markings (USAAF)
1/72 LS Ki-46 in Soviet markings
1/72 FROG Lagg 3
1/72 Hasegawa Jake in French markings

Hasegawa 1/72 Claude (Soviet)
Hasegawa 1/72 Brewster Buffalo

Revell 1/72 Polikarpov I-16
 LS 1/72 Ki-46 Dinah (French)
Revell (FROG) 1/72 Rufe
Hasegawa 1/72 P-40E
Rare Planes (vacform) 1/72 Curtiss Wright CW-21


  1. Impressive collection. I think the Ki-43 is the best. 4.6 for this one.

  2. Nice collection! As a group, I would say 4.6
