Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Mitsubishi Ki-46 "Dinah" & Tachikawa Ki-54 "Hickory" Kengun (Kumamoto) Airfield 一〇〇式司令部偵察機 & 一式双発高等練習機 輸送機型の丙型 健軍 - video

A color (not colorized) clip featuring a Mitsubishi Ki-46 "Dinah" Model 3 and a Tachikawa Ki-54 "Hickory" transport found at the end of the war in Kengun Airfield (Kumamoto).

The NARA photo below shows both aircraft and more importantly the tail marking of the Tachikawa Ki-54 "Hickory". Unfortunately the unit it belonged to has not been identified.

Although more Ki-46 Model 3 "Dinahs" can be seen in the photo closeup below, none seem to have any visible tail marking. The only one with a tail marking that seems to be a "hinomaru" is a Mitsubishi Ki-46 Model 3 Kai Fighter with two machine guns on the nose. Again, the unit has not been identified.

UPDATE: Watanabe Yoji, in "Nihon Boku-sen", p. 190, features a photo of members of the unit saying goodbye to Chofu Airfield, Tokyo, and departing for Kengun. According to the caption, the relocation took place on July 25, 1945, when the photo was taken. Only six "Dinahs" were left behind in Chofu and all together 12 planes reached Kengun in two groups. They only managed to perform a couple of patrol flights around Okinawa before the war ended. So, based on this information we can conclude that the "Dinah" in Kengun, indeed belong to the 17 Dokuritsu Hikotai.

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