Monday, 25 November 2024

Mitsubishi Ki-67 "Hiryu" (Peggy) 170 Sentai Kengun (Kumamoto) Airfield 四式重爆 第百七十爆撃隊-熊本 - video

A color (not colorized) clip featuring Mitsubishi Ki-67 "Hiryu" (Peggy) bombers belonging to the 170 Sentai, found at the end of the war in Kengun (Kumamoto) Airfield, Kyushu.

1 comment:

  1. What is the color of these Hiryus? They seem to be a pale grey green (though I know the color of the film can't be trusted) It also seems that when video flips to the rear view of the Hiryus that the Ki-67 on the far right has the twin 12.7mm tail gun.

    Thank you for the great video clip.
