Sunday 15 January 2012

Nakajima Ki-44 "Shoki" (Tojo) by Alexandros Angelopoulos

A really beautiful model by ALEXANDROS ANGELOPOULOS.
It's a Hasegawa in 1/32 with markings for a Ki-44-II Hei belonging to the 29th Sentai.
Alex explains that the top green was worked in two different lighter tones; one with yellow and very little white and the other with a mixture of 30% yellow-70%green. There is a great variety of shades since the tones overlap at places and at others they don't.
The project took him seven months. The Type 100 gun sight was scratch built and he also used resin exhausts and machine guns by Quickboost. All the colors he used were by Gunze, with a hand of future and then polished with different micro-mesh. Then they were sprayed with Mr. Levelling Thinner which gave excellent results.


  1. This is one of the best Shoki models I've seen yet. Good work!

  2. Thank you for the comment. Modelers need all the suport they can get.
