Monday 11 June 2012

Nakajima Ki-84 "Hayate" (Frank) by Joe Brown

Joe Brown from Canada shared with us photos of his lovely "Hayate". He explained:

"It's the Hasegawa kit in 1/48. It comes with deployed flaps but mine were damaged, so I raised them up and faired them in and rescribed the underside. Added eduard seatbelts. Other than that it's out of the box. The decals are from Aeromaster (48-623: 520 Temporary Interception Regiment). Painted with Polly Scale paints,  paint chipping done with a silver pencil."

1 comment:

  1. This is so well done. The wear and the exhaust stains are very effective, not over-done.
    My one concern is the shade of green used for the prop; it seems rather light to me.
    Not that it detracts from an overall excellent job.
