Monday 22 October 2012


After a few days of silence it is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that we announce that as of today our move to the new Arawasi headquarters, in Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture, Kanto region, is finally completed. All our friends who would like to contact us by post should first get in touch by email to get our new snail address.
Please note that the email address for this blog is: 
After more than a year and 200+ posts we continue stronger and more organised than ever. The average of 19 posts per month will continue but we would like to ask for your support by at least leaving the occasional comment; helps us to feel you closer!
Stay tuned for even more interesting photos, translations, research, articles, artwork, modeling subjects and more. And don't forget that this blog is open to any Japanese aviation (until the end of WWII) related contribution: photos of your models, material or even just questions.
Thank you all for your support, comments or just visits this past year.

A photo today from a vintage magazine showing a line-up of 97Sens, probably belonging to a training school, having their engines started.


  1. Congratulations on Arawasi's new home.
    Your point about comments is well made; comments lift any blog to a new level, transforming a monologue into a conversation.

  2. All the best for you!!! Keep up the good work George!

  3. Great news!

    Wishing you peace and happiness in your new home!

  4. Congrats to your new "home" :) keep on going with your great work!:)

  5. Thank you all for the friendly and encouraging comments!
