Wednesday 1 January 2014


2014, the year of the horse.

We are confident and optimistic it will be better than 2013, the year of the snake, and Arawasi would like to wish you all a truly happy, healthy and prosperous new year.
Rest assured we will continue our efforts with our blog. We hope you found at least some of the 200+ posts to your liking and stay tuned for our forthcoming publications we have scheduled for this year.
As always we would like to thank all our friends who visited this blog, left comments and contributed with useful information, photos of their models, artwork and other material. A big THANK YOU goes to:
Harold K, Alcides,George Bryant, fugaku, Ruy Vieira, Peter Dasso, Calin Ungureanu, Fluffy, Peter Monoton, Pat D, J Godwin, Mark H, Jim Nicoletti, pauli, Windswords, Edcraft, Graham Boak, Francisco, Ryan B, Ajay, Peter, g, Sidnei, Emilio, Rene de Koning, Meatloaf109 who left comments. Unfortunately our friend Luca Ruffato is no longer with us. He will be sorely missed.
We would particularly like to extend our appreciation to:
Panagiotis Koubetsos, Devlin Chouinard, Zygmunt Szeremeta, Jacob Terlouw, Ryszard Holak, Ed DeKiep, Yokokawa Yuichi, Jean Barby, zegeye, “Avion Road”, Bob Alford, Luigi Scarano, Cameron Lohman, “Fluffysmodels”, Thilo-Arndt Möller, Håkan Gustavsson, Kiriakos, Steve Diederich, Otsuki Hajime, Chas Bunch, Mark Smith, Fabrice Fanton, Bernhard Tomaschitz, Frau Verena Wirnig, Mr Paul Bors and everybody in IPMS Austria (see you in March) for their contributions and support.





  1. Happy New Year to you too. I look forward to visiting your site in 2014.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to write all the wonderful articles on this blog. A happy new year to you as well and I look forward to seeing everything 2014 will bring from Arawasi!

  3. Thank you George; the best of the new year to you and yours.
    I had no idea we had lost Luca; as you say, he will be missed.

    This new year will bring us the centennial of the Great War. It is little remembered in the US that Japan was an ally in that war. I hope that you may find and present some obscure information on the first use of Japanese aircraft in combat, during that war.

  4. Tomaschitz Bernhard2 January 2014 at 18:11

    Thank you George and your Team!
    For all the interesting photos and background information. It is just a few month ago, that I got to know you and your team. The year 2014 will bring for the modeller in Europe the interesting Japan exhibition in March in Vienna. See at the blog the GoMo 2014.
    It will bring also the chance of new contacts. I have some in mind, and some important people of aviation do not have much knowledge of anything what happened in aviation history in Japan. Here I see a big unlimitted chance for the
    Bernhard A. Tomaschitz

  5. I wish in 2014 and the following years the blog will be as lively and informative as it was in 2013 and the previous years!!!

  6. Keep up the great work, George! this blog is a great help to us modelers of Japanese aircraft. Beyond that though the background information, stories, and photos are a delight.
