Monday 11 August 2014

INDONESIA #4 - Jakarta - Ki-79

The second beauty is the sole surviving Manshu Ki-79. It is in fairly good condition, the cockpits were covered with canvas and too high to reach for photos.
I hope you like the photos from our second Indonesia excursion.

The Arawasi team would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to the hospitality of Iwan, his family and Sinang. See you again soon guys!


  1. I always happy to see more pictures of surviving aircraft. Nice you hear you've a nice trip.
    Can I made a request for friend? He's looking for images of the cockpit, especially the side panels, the part with the second pilot and the one with the gunner for a Aichi E13A! Jake. Seems difficult to find.

  2. Why is the aircraft displayed so high off the ground?


  3. To the request of Alcides
    The Jake photos are all published in Maru Mechanic 12. Well, but most of it. Also a resin Cockpit is available in 1/48. See the blog from Arawasi, it Shows our Jake.
    Sincerely Bernhard
