Tuesday 6 June 2017

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 004 - and the winner is....

In 1/72 scale:
Zbigniew Malicki: 3.93
Derek Cooper: 3.63
Fabio Balzano: 3.94
Calin Ungureanu: 4.67
DizzyFugu: 4.08
Leon Kloke: 3.62
Danilo Renzulli: 4.22 

ALEX TRAN with 4.8

In 1/48+ scale:
Mark Jahsan: 4.05
Fabrizio Tommasini: 3.69
Jean Barby: 4.7
Allan "The Kit Slayer" Jeffery: 4.27
Michael Thurow: 4.6
Miroslav Zajíc: 4.59
Cameron Lohmann "Fluffysmodels": 4.48


Congrats to both winners!!!
Every other contestant gets a free decal set cortesy of Arawasi.
Thank you all for participating to our contest with your beautiful models. As you have noticed our contests are rather free of strict rules. Anybody can vote and actually we encourage the participants to vote. We want to believe that we are all gentlemen who don't vote based on friendship, country or personal interest. Let's remember this is a modelling contest, not Eurovision. All of us in Arawasi believe this is a way for all of you to show your models and hoping this is a learning experience you are all encouraged to ask questions, give and take advice and accept constructive criticism. As we are sure you have noticed we have and will hold regular contests. So if you didn't do well this time, don't lose heart, improve yourself and participate in the next one! Or if you actually hate all of this, just send over photos of your model and we will put them up out of contest.
Most important thing is to BUILD, BUILD BUILD!


  1. I like seeing what others have done, no matter what. I also like the fact that it's an international event, anyone can participate. No politics, no animosity, just modelers doing doing what they do.

    Thank you!

  2. Congratulations to both winners!
    As D.Chouinard has just said it is interesting to see what the others do and this is a mine of suggestions itself. On the other end taking part to such a contest has allowed me to build up a Hayabusa at last.
    In fact, the Ki-43 was among those world wide famous subjects I have - for unknown reasons - some difficulties to build up. For example, only a couple of years ago I finally built up a Zero - now the family has grown to three in all!
    Good modelling to you all

  3. Congratulations to the winners! So many good builds/submissions, the field was bigger than expected. Also many thanks for opening the event to basically anyone, with open-mindedness and just for the sake of the hobby.

  4. Michael Thurow7 June 2017 at 02:13

    A well deserved victory for the winners! This contest produced a formidable air force of creative Hayabusa models - thank you George. I'm looking forward to the next one, albeit not as a participant for lack of a presentable float plane.

  5. First off, thank you to all for the congratulations, compliments, and questions. I would like to offer a"thank you" to all that participated. You offered a wide variety of paint schemes, markings, and most of all inspiration. Thinking about model contests I have participated in the past, I can say that the discussions and conversations that I have had with the builders has been the most memorable. This contest experience has provided those discussions, thoughts, ideas, and inspiration. If one was going to rename this contest, I think "A Gathering of Falcons" would be an appropriate title. Finally a huge "thank you" to George for the dedication and organization of the contests and blog.

    Michael Furry

  6. Greetings all,

    Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for the congratulations, praise and invaluable advice, feedback and discussions in this contest, they were inspirational and will definitely help me with my future builds. This was also my first modelling contest and modelling submission to the net and I did not expect to see all this reception and great support from around the world, thank you!
    I would also like to thank and congratulate all participants in the contest. For me, it's always a pleasure to see works of art from anyone and in this case, especially Japanese machines which are my main interest (somewhat rare on the show or sales table here in Sydney).
    Finally and most importantly, I would like to give a big thank you to George for organising this contest and great blog!
    Thanks very much again and I'll hopefully see you all again at the next contest, good luck and happy modelling!

    Best regards,


  7. Congrats to the winners!

    It was fun to see so much variety to the builds in the contest. It's a good model contest that inspires me to build. :D

  8. Congratulations to the winners. Also a big thank you to Arawasi for hosting and the splendid gifted decal sheets.
