Wednesday 27 September 2017

Tachikawa Ki-9 "Spruce" Manchukuo Air Force by Octávio Mântua

I have finally finished the RS Models Tachikawa Ki-9 "Spruce" in 1/72. Here are some photos (also you can see more of the construction process on this link:
I am very pleased with the end result except for an alignment problem with the bottom wing L.
- Octávio Mântua -


  1. This model looks bigger than its scale, which - in othe rewords - means you did a fine job indeed. I like it!

  2. I like that. Nice build. Especially in 1/72. I keep looking at my Nichimo 48th Spruce but never have the nerve to tackle the rigging.

  3. Good looking model, I think the Manchukuo markings are a nice touch.
