Monday 15 January 2018

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 006 - LEON KLOKE

Hello guys!
This is my Fine Molds Keiun. She was basically built OOB. I just added some minor cockpit detail.
The underside was sprayed with Tamiya orange-yellow. The rest of the plane is hand-brushed (Tamiya IJN Green, the props are a mixture of brown, red and black). I gave it some minor exhaust-traces and finished her with clear-matt.
As I still have no better camera at my side I again had to rely on my cell-phone. So excuse the quality of the photos!
Thanks for voting!
Kind regards from Berlin
- Leon Kloke - Germany


  1. A very nice model of an exotic prototype. I like the orange-green contrast. To further enhance the model I'd suggest drawing out the panel lines with a thin grey or black pencil. My vote 4.8

  2. A very unusual subject, well done! 4.7

  3. Something about this plane has always fascinated me. I never get tired of looking at pictures or models. Anyway, a fine effort. 4.6

    Wind Swords

  4. A fascinating subject. Well modeled. 4.5
