Saturday 17 February 2018

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 007 - JOHN TATE

Respectfully submitted for Arawasi Model Contest 007, are images of a Tamiya 1/48 Mitsubishi Ki-46 "Dinah" in captured markings (RAF ATAIU-SEA, 1946); I built the kit out-of-the-box with Aeromaster decals. Interestingly, this model mirrors the theme of the contest, as it also wore full IJAAF markings (additional image attached). A difficult kit, it nevertheless can be finished as a nice model of this exceptionally beautiful Japanese aircraft.
John Tate - Albuquerque, NM USA


  1. Nice Ki-46! What were the difficult areas of the kit? As with the post before this one, I like the contrast in markings, sort of a before and after. 4.8

  2. Any information which paint (manufacturer & tone) was used for the upper surfaces of the model?

  3. If this kit is as bad as Tamiya's old 1/48 Ki-84, then I know some of the issues you came up against. But it turned out great. 4.8

    Wind Swords


  4. Very attractive builds! This Ki46-3 is one of the most attractive planes in my opinion. A deserved 4.8
    It leaves me with one 'decal' question. Dying Sun Pt-3(Rising Decals) shows the decal on the upper surface of the wing with a three color roundel , Flying Papas has a two color(Blue-Red) What's correct?

  5. A convincing model with superb weathering. A pity that you don't show more pictures. I'd be interested in the detail. Overall 4.9
    For those interested in the late war olive-brown camouflage - this is the best article that has been written about it:

  6. A very nice build and finish ( on both). I especially like the faded topside colour. On the original were the yellow ID leading edges painted out or never applied? 4.8

  7. Thanks for the great comments... regarding the kit, "challenging" might have been a better description, cockpit crew deck a bit too narrow for the fuselage and cockpit glazing have fit issues, the kit was a bit different from other, more recent Tamiya kits we're used to.

    Good question regarding the yellow ID panels on the wing leading edge, have noticed these were painted out or otherwise removed on most other captured Japanese aircraft, possibly because they were a form of national marking and leaving them in place would create confusion.

  8. Thank you for the hint at the article, Toryu! :D

  9. Great color, good weathering, impressive overall appearance.
    I have a crash on this plane (especially this variant).

  10. I would have given them a 5.0 if we had more and better photos of the models which look amazing. 4.8
