Monday 12 March 2018

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 007 - MARK JAHSAN #4

The "Raiden" is the Otaki kit, with Flying Papa decals graciously given by George from a previous contest, Tamiya paints.
The Zero is Hasegawa’s, with kit decals and again, Tamiya paints.
The FP decals had a Type B roundel on the wing, while Hasegawa used the Type A. I don’t know which is correct, or if they both are.
Interestingly, the Zero cockpit is still extant in the Imperial War Museum I believe.


  1. These look nice too! It's interesting noting how much wider the cockpit is on the Raiden. 4.8

  2. The same thing was said of the American Thunderbolt, the p-47. It's cockpit was so much roomier than the Mustang. A very nice pair of captured aircraft. 4.6

    Wind Swords

  3. Very nice models. Too clean and the paint too uniform though. 4.7
