Sunday 11 March 2018

"THE EAGLES OF MANCHUKUO, 1932-1945" - comments

We recently received some very positive comments from friends who got our "THE EAGLES OF MANCHUKUO, 1932-1945: An Illustrated History of the Civilian and Military Aviation" so we thought of sharing these with you. 
"It really is a true labor of love on you and your wife's part. Some really great period photos and graphics, and engrossing text, stories, and news. I am enjoying it very much." - DK, USA
"Received the book yesterday and rushed home to browse though it. I had less than an hour to do so. I just looked on the illustrations and read a few paragraphs here and there but enough to put this on the top of my to read list. Oh, and I arrived half an hour late to my appointment. Just couldn't put the book down." - CD, Denmark
"Very nice job on your and your wife’s part. I’ve been glued to it since it arrived." - HW, USA
"The Manchukuo book is really excellent, in particular the coloured profiles." - EB, Ireland


  1. Awesome book! Hopefully there is another Japanese related aviation book in the works from the team at Arawasi.

  2. Yes, a very well done book on an often overlooked subject.

  3. I have had my copy of this exceptional book since soon after it was published. There is no English language source I know of that has anywhere close to the depth and quality of information on this obscure(in the "West", at least)subject. The photos are superb, the color profiles could inspire years of modeling projects. Many thanks to you, George, and to Kiri and to your helpers named in the book, for your dedication.
    Oh; did I mention it's well written and just plain enjoyable reading, too?

  4. Any possibility of a reprint?? I missed out on getting a copy of the first printing :-(

  5. We are working on a revised and extended version which will probably come out in a year or two. Keep visiting this blog for updates!

  6. I have been desperately looking for the original issue of this book, but to no avail. Is there an ETA on the revised and extended issue yet?

  7. Thank you. We plan to release the new revised edition next year. Patience please!

  8. Hello !

    Any news about a possible reissue of the book ?

    Thanks !
