Monday 23 April 2018

Model Kraft 2018

We had a grand display today. We put out the Dinahs again along with some other stuff. The weather was OK, but the hall, most will agree, was quite warm. There were bargains galore and everyone came away with a kit or two, or three or . . .  .
We had models from Bill Anderson, Richard Brooker, Peter Fox, Peter James, Jonathan Stilwell, Peter Terry, and I. Milton Keynes put the profits at the disposal of the McMillan Trust and in support of the charity members of a reenactment group came dressed as Star Wars Stormtroopers. I thought it was kind of fitting sharing empires.
- Gary Wenko -

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of "special interest groups", something I don't see that much of in the 'States.
