Monday 3 June 2019

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 011 - PAWEL DUDASZ

Here's a model I built a few years ago. It's a Nakajima J8N1 "Kikka", papercraft, 1:33 scale, by Answer publishing.

- Pawel Dudasz, Poland -



  1. Here's a kind of model we don't often see on this blog. Thank you Pawel for taking part in our contest. It's an 8 for me.

  2. Wonderful build!
    8 for me!

    Such a nostalgic feeling - when I was a child I used to build lots of paper models printed by Mały Modelarz.

    Best, Mike Ageenko

  3. What a nice build! Concidering the scarcity of the subject's material at this site and it's tendency to not look like the original at all, this is a 9 to me!

  4. A very good effort, even with the limitations of paper. I think the result came out rather well! 8.

  5. I give 8 points. Great work.
    You have my admiration, paper is not my friend. :)
