Wednesday 16 September 2020

Artwork - Twin "Raiden" by Jimbowyrick1 - Nipponki '46

 It's been quite some years since we last posted some "what-if" artwork, we call on this blog "Nipponki '46". I recently spotted on deviant art a nice idea by Jimbowyrick1, here

The project is part of a whole what-if war scenario and the artist explains:

Ve-Mi J33-33 Twin Raiden
Illustration for the up-coming KZK* 1/32nd scale Veeblefitzer-Mitsubishi Ve-Mi J33 "Twin Raiden" series.
Depicted, ascending outrageously fast, such as about 400 mph, going up, at a 30 deg' angle, is the ship belonging to Group Captain Tofu Maru, of the famous 8th Naval Kingdom of Japan Air Forces, based in Outdonesia, a small state of Indonesia, during those horrible years, of the War in the Pacific.
Professor Anton Veeblefitzer, seeing the potential of welding multiple engines and a couple of aircraft, together, dreamed up this insanity, the Veeblefitzer-Mitsubichi Twin Raiden!
The mad Prof' started by taking four Mitsubishi Kase-23 radial engines, each rated at 1,820 max hp. He welded two together, front-to-back, creating a single engine that could produce 3,640 max hp (!).  These two monsters were bolted to the fronts of two standard Mitsubishi J2M Raiden fuselages, and then a stout center-wing connected the two. This arrangement gave the prototype a total of 10,480 max hp (!!!!).
Maximum speed was, before disintegrating from extreme air stresses, 567 mph (!!!!).
Armament, for most production versions, titled Veeblefitzer-Mitsubishi J33 2-to-33 series, "Twin Raiden (Thunderbolt)" was 10 x Ho-7b 20 mm cannon. Six weapons were wing mounted, and four located above the forward fuselage. External stores could range from rockets to bombs, fuel cells. The small cylinder beneath the center wing is a sophisticated radar/computer that is able to automatically fire the cannon, and/or the rockets and bombs, when the aircraft is in a near-perfect position to score reliable hits.
This capability was essential in helping the KOJ, and her allies, keep the wicked BCE air forces at bay.  The rate of attrition, during the War in the Pacific, was horrific, for both sides.  The average life span, for ALL combatant air crews was usually 2.5 weeks ..., at Best.
The new aiming system improved successful results by 72.3 % and helped to result in the KOJ surviving that terrible slaughter: The Battle of Komodo Island.
Critical areas had armor plate and fire extinguishers were abundant.  
Ferry range, unloaded, was 3,000 miles. A set of tough rubber fuel bladders filled the area behind the engine on the left fuselage providing exhaustive amounts of pure-as-the-driven-snow, 280 Octane fuel!  
And the Japanese loved to decorate their craft, with Kabuki mask images, etc.

Although there are various details that don't sit well with historical Japanese aircraft, the whole idea is not that impossible. It reminds me a lot of a couple "Kogiken" plans for twin fighters or reconnaissance aircraft designs. A twin "Raiden" could perform as a heavy interceptor, with heavy cannon armament and even air-to-air rockets. Difficult to see it in the bomber role, though. 
I think I will try to build a kit. I'm inspired!

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