Wednesday 23 September 2020

Nakajima Ki-115 "Tsurugi" by Jan Kanov WIP#3 & finale

 It is my pleasure to announce the news from my office. I finally found the courage to repair the cracked chassis parts of my "Tsurugi" model. And I can be proud that it worked.

Jan Kanov - South Bohemia

Previous WIPS, here and here


  1. A fine job and an interesting subject

  2. It's a perfectly done execution of that kit. Love the NMF finish, too. I used the same products for a P-51D that I built back in the spring, and the Gunze products are hard to beat. Thanks for sharing it here with us!


  3. I'm so glad you like it. At the very end, I was unhappy for a long time from the cracked parts of the chassis in the kit. The plastic was extremely brittle. But I managed to buy another set from the estate of one modeler. And again he found the courage to try to repair the chassis frames. It worked and to my delight it is not even known how many pieces it is in the end. I would like to build the second kit in the design of the first test machine. I just don't know if I'll find enough evidence.
    I'm happy if the color information was helpful.

    Thanks again to everyone. Jan.
