Monday 3 July 2023

Nakajima Ki-43 II 24th Hiko-Sentai - by Jean Barby

Here are the pics of my latest Japanese goodie. The excellent book from Michael Claringbould, Volume One of Pacific Profiles helped me to realize a Blue Ki-43II based at But in February 43. The remaining starboard tailplane with the blue colour still showing and the 1st Chutai white lightning were an inspiration. All markings are made with masks made on the Silhouette. I have used the Fine Molds model, better to me than the Hasegawa. 1/48th scale!

- Jean Barby -


  1. Beautiful work as always.

  2. Michael Thurow7 July 2023 at 17:38

    Salut Jean,
    Your dramatic photography befits the exciting and unusual camouflage very well. Très bien!

  3. Excellent photography of a splendidly built Hayabusa in legendary color scheme. Claringboulds books provide much inspiration. Thanks Mr. Barby...i gotta build one of those blue Oscars...or Sonia.

  4. Thank you for the kind comments fellows. Really appreciate.
