Sunday 7 July 2024

Japanese Airfields, Equipment & more #20 - revised

Stuff #1
If you want to make your base or diorama even more interesting you can add various stuff found lying around on a Japanese airfield, like:
an old propeller (note the bucket)

a propeller bent after an emergency landing

a flat tire that has been changed and is lying around waiting to be brought back to the workshop to be repaired

spare oxygen cylinders but check if your aircraft type had them
in this case it's a 244 Sentai Kawasaki Ki-61 "Hien" (Tony)

also, spare drop tanks

a bottle of something

metal containers similar to those found in garages all over the world

a small bucket and various tools on a piece of tarp

So many things in these 21 Sentai Kawasaki Ki-45 "Toryu" (Nick) photos. Metal platforms, tarps, "riyaka", removed panels...

or simply various stuff like ladders, boards and what-have-you set aside after the plane has been maintained.

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