Fine Molds Kayaba Ka-1 1/72
First of all, I would like the thank George Eleftheriou, Hideto Araki and the Yanks Air Museum for their invaluable help.
The Fine Molds model is quite good, but I made some modifications:
- I detailed the interior and made a scratch motor;
- The motor cover was changed with the introduction of various air vents;
- Wheels support struts were replaced by thinner plastic;
- Lights were added to the wheel struts.
- I detailed the interior and made a scratch motor;
- The motor cover was changed with the introduction of various air vents;
- Wheels support struts were replaced by thinner plastic;
- Lights were added to the wheel struts.
As to the colours, the kit is painted using the references by Fine Molds:
- Underside – Tamiya XF-14 J.A. grey
- Upperside: - Tamiya XF-13 J.A. green with a spot of white
- Gunze H 66 RLM79 sandy brown
After painting, I gave the entire model a reddish-brown pencil wash.
As to the lights, these were made with some drops of araldite glue. After the glue dried, I painted with clear red and clear blue.
HERE are some photos of the construction process.
- Octávio Mântua -