Monday, 3 March 2025


Can you identify the Japanese aircraft type this cockpit belongs to? (photo from NARA courtesy of P. Fresnel)


Dan said...

Ki-61 Hien

Anonymous said...

Hello, IMO it is D3A.

Anonymous said...

It is a Aichi D3A1 Kanbanku, Serial Number 3170, from the carrier Kaga, AII-251 tail code, flown by PO3c Sakaguchi Noburo and PO3c Asahi Nagaaki, shot down in Middle Loch, Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. Ashai survived the crash but was shot when apparently reaching for his own pistol. The aircraft was pulled out of the water and studied by the US Navy in Philadelphia. There are many photos of this wreck including another cockpit shot from the other side. The "bicycle handbrake" on the throttle is how the pilot fired the cowl mounted machine guns.