Monday 23 October 2023

Kawasaki Ki-100 by Jean Barby

The model is the now rather old Hasegawa which lacks a lot of details to be a Ki-100. Hasegawa has used parts of their Ki-61 and it shows. Some panels are missing and were scribed as well as the riveting. The cockpit , good for a Ki-61 but not for a Ki-100, was improved with a lot of scratch-built parts. The Brengun photoetch n°48060, designed for the KI-61-II was put to good use, mainly on the wheels pants. A dead design canopy was also used for a more to-scale appearance. The plane was flown by Capt Totaro Ito from the 5th Sentai, 1st Chutai based at Kiyosu during the summer of 45. The tail ensign and Japanese text are from the Life decal sheet 48-O30.

- Jean Barby -


Pankoub said...

Good work mate! Got bored with your previous complicated camos? Let's hope you haven't!

jean Barby said...

Thanks Pana!

Honza78 said...

Nice work again. A joy to watch.

jean Barby said...

Thanks Honza!