Wednesday 26 June 2024

Japanese Airfields, Equipment & more #15 - revised

Many but not all IJAAF aircraft had special hooks under their wings so they could be tied down to the ground if needed. I was able to find mostly photos featuring Nakajima Ki-27 "Nates".

The Mitsubishi A5M "Claude" is the most common IJNAF aircraft type featured in tiedown photos.

Naturally, IJNAF types operating from aircraft carriers needed to be tied down. Again, Mitsubishi A5M "Claude" fighters offer the most photos.

But Mitsubishi A6M Zeros often needed to be tied down when on an aircraft carrier deck.

Here's a nice little diorama idea; a tied-down A6M2-N Zero seaplane. Now you know the purpose of the little ring on the tail.

A quite cool photo of a Mitsubishi B5M "Mabel". Note that in the rear it is tied down on the fuselage side.
Other interesting photo details are the bicycle on its side behind the "Mabel" and the maintenance platform.

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