Friday 11 January 2013

The Luigi Scarano Collection Pt. 4

A follow up of these previous posts (1, 2, 3), Luigi sent us more photos of his models. This time it's a Nakajima Ki-43IIkoh "Hayabusa" (Oscar), late production model, belonging to the 2nd Chutai of the 25th Sentai, flown by M. Sgt. Hazawa Iwataro. The kit is Hasegawa and the scale 1/48. 
I'm sure you'll agree that the paint job is rather unusual.


Mark Smith said...

Luigi, another nice one. I always like your markings choices and how they are executed.

How do you compare the Fine Molds and Hasegawa 1/48 kits? Thanks.

Luigi said...

Hi Mark,
I do not think there is a comparison between Fine Molds and Hasegawa, in particular the Fine Molds has missed the front part of the fuselage of the Ki-43II leaving practically equal to that of Ki-43I early, the first version of Hayabusa to understand, I only used good decals 50 Sentai of Fine Molds kit for my first Ki-43 I build.
Many thanks!!!