Saturday 12 March 2022

Eduard A6M2b I-GO Sakusen by Jean Barby

Here is the very nice Eduard’s Zero in the markings of the Hiyo during the I-Go Sakusen operation in April 43. It is out of the box except for the markings made with my own masks.The model is pretty good but has some weak points. The undercarriage is tricky to instal and remains fragile. The cockpit must be built following the instructions, otherwise you‘ll be in trouble. Guess how I know! 

- Jean Barby -


Michael Thurow said...

Very good-looking Zeke Jean. Thanks for the advice on the cockpit. I, too, tend to follow my own way...

WK said...

Excellent build Jean, especially the mottled camouflage.

Baronvonrob said...

Wells Done !