Wednesday 3 July 2019

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 012 - BARONVONROB

Whoa Nellie!
I humbly present in 1/72 my version of the venerable Hasegawa Mitsubishi G3M2 Type 96 "Nell" Model 22//23 Houkokugou 434 as seen in November of 1941.
Almost a completely straight out of the box build with the addition of Mini-World Type 99 machine gun for the dorsal turret and EZ line. Alclad II was the primary paint used.
Bombs Away!
- BaronVonRob, USA - 


Arawasi said...

An excellent effort! Baron has done a very good job with the Alclad to represent an a/c in NMF. Small issues with the canopy frame but the weathering is as it should be, the decal film is barely visible and the guns look very nice. I would have liked to see photos of the cockpit and the undersides but overall it's a 9 from me.

Michael Thurow said...

Superb. 10 from me.

George Bryant said...

Great workmanship. Fit and finish are excellent. 9 for me as well.

Eric Vogel said...

Stunning model ! I really like the "metal" finish, weathering is not overdone.
9,5 for me

Anonymous said...

A beautiful model. As other have said NMF is not the easiest thing to do. However I can only vote 7.5. As superb as the model is it lacks antenna wire to finish it. The G3M had quite bit of wire. It's like a wonderfully done sailing ship model without any rigging.

Wind Swords

Michael Furry said...

A well executed natural metal finish is not an easy task on any kit, well done!. I like the differentiation between panels and the hazy appearance of some of them. Your construction appears to be very clean, I did note some areas on wing leading edges that need attention as well as the seam along the canopy. Decal film is visible in some places and there appears to be what looks like silver marks on the tires. I give it 7.


D. Chouinard said...

Very nice natural metal finish! I really like the way light reflects off the surface, and just the right amount of weathering. 9

ReneDK said...

Beautiful work it gets my vote.

Honza78 said...

Beautiful model. This plane is my dream in 1:48 scale. Back to the model.
Very nicely made, subtle, delicate patina. It gives me the impression of an original aircraft.
10 points for me!