Wednesday 14 May 2014

NEW ARAWASI PUBLICATION! - Eagle Eye No.2 Yokosuka/Kawanishi K5Y1 & K5Y2 "Akatonbo" (Willow)

Yes! Two years after our last publication the new number in our Eagle Eye series on the Yokosuka/Kawanishi K5Y1& K5Y2 "Akatonbo" (Willow) is finally out! We really wanted to get it out by the end of last year but with the huge quantities of material we had gathered we needed four more months and were forced to increase the number of pages from 64 to 80 to do justice to the excellent photos and go beyond the "a Japanese aircraft on an airfield" kind of captions.  
So, there you have it. The ultimate Willow publication in any language is available HERE.
BTW we have already started working on the next one, hopefully due by the end of the year. It's on Japanese civilian passenger aircraft but that's as far as we can say at this stage. Stay tuned!


Jacob Terlouw said...

Congrats for the Arawasi team !!

Pankoub said...

I'm with Jacob! And a lovely cover too!

George Bryant said...

Can't wait to see my issue. I love those little orange trainers.

Bernhard said...

Oh George
Great to see the long awaited book. I am eager to read it. To late for my model early enough for other modeler. Go on this way.

Peter Dasso said...

I will be getting a copy soon! Can you make a blog post about available K5Y model kits? I did a quick look on ebay and there's quite a variety!

Arawasi said...

Thank you guys.
Yes, Peter. Will start presenting the kits shortly.