Sunday 15 September 2024

Japanese Airfields, Equipment & more #46 - revised

Modelling 4
Vehicles. In this part, I will try to present vehicles that could possibly be used in an IJAAF or IJNAF airfield. I'm not an expert on vehicles, I only know Japanese aircraft, so, as always, feel free to contribute.
Let's begin with the 1/72 scale and the old Hasegawa Starter & Fuel Truck kits come with three and two mechanics respectively, one driver, the others in various poses. All wear puttees though and the mold is too old with relatively poor details. Of course, the two vehicles are great and most valuable for a diorama setting.

"Beaver Corporation" has released an Army starter truck with a few mechanics that, judging from the photo, look okay to me.

There are plenty of "Kurogane" kits out there. First up, are four kits from "Vast Model": Model 3 open top, Model 3 with roof, Model 4 open top and Model 4 with a roof.

"ACE" has also released an open-top "Kurogane" in the same scale (left) and another kit with the "Kurogane" truck (right) but AFAIK the kit includes exactly the same kit for the open-top (no canvas cover etc). Perhaps they have fixed that...I don't know.

"Fire Starter" has also released a set of two "Kurogane"

In 1/48, Tamiya has released a quite nice "Kurogane" that would go well with various IJAAF aircraft.

Even better is Hasegawa which has released the Isuzu TX40 truck which is most useful, especially for refueling or re-bombing dioramas. There is a rather rare kit now that includes the TX40 and a "Kurogane" in 1/48.

The other Hasegawa set "Type 97 Sidecar & Type 95 small sedan "Kurogane 4WD [Model3]".

The 2008 Hasegawa release of the Isuzu TX40 Fuel Truck is the best around with two accurate in every respect figures of ground crews. The set also includes four oil barrels, two plus one sets of different chocks, a toolbox and a fire extinguisher. All very very useful for a diorama of a "Hien", "Shoki", "Hayate" or "Toryu" unit based on the Japan mainland. If you are building a 244 Sentai "Hien" this set is absolutely essential and will enrich significantly your diorama or base.

In 1/35, Fine Molds has released an open-top "Kurogane".

Followed by Pit Road in the same scale, this time with a soft top.

And also a kit with a machine gun sticking out from the passenger's seat.

Finally, a "pickup truck with tarp".

"Type 97 Motorcycle with side car: Rikuo" also in 1/35.

For the record, AFAIK the very first company that released a "Kurogane" in 1/35, was "Arima" but its kits are VERY rare now.

DeAgostini has also released a "Kurogane" but in 1/43 and I have no idea why.

"Studio Historia" has also released a cute "Kurogane with passengers" and they market it as in the "28mm Scale" which I have no idea what it's supposed to mean. It's a downloadable 3D kit.

Another Japanese-interest downloadable release by "Studio Historia" is a TX40 truck with or without passengers also in "28mm Scale".

Talking about downloadable kits for 3D printers, "PlayMoreIt3D" has released at least three kits available in 1/30 1/35 1/48 1/56 1/72 1/76 1/87. First up is a Rikuo Type 97 motorcycle.

The same Rikuo Type 97 is also available with a sidecar.

Finally, "PlayMoreIt3D has released a "Captured Japanese steamroller on Guadalcanal in August 1942" which could be useful for an airfield diorama, although, according to modellers, it has some accuracy issues and needs modeifications.

In the same airfield construction vein, I guess the Tamiya "Komatsu G40 Bulldozer" in 1/48 could be used.

Last but not least, I'd like to mention the rather old tricycle released by M.G.M. in 1/72.

Dan Salamone sent over photos of his beautiful airfield models all in 1/48. First up, Hasegawa Kurogane.

Hasegawa TX40 converted to steel cab variant, Kumanosho airfield, 6th Air Army.

Hasegawa TX40 out of the box, although in IJN colors (302nd NAG to be exact).

Hasegawa TX40 converted to airfield tug, Hamamatsu Flying School.

Brengun fire extinguisher and oil carts, the blue fire extinguisher is from the Hasegawa TX40 set.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Japanese Airfields, Equipment & more #45 - revised

Modelling 3 
Combos and fails
In this part, we will see sets that combine Navy and Army pilots and ground crews, usually labelled as "Kamikaze" as well as grossly inaccurate, mislabeled or misleading sets. I guess some of these mistakes are due to limited knowledge of Japanese culture and/or aviation history.
Also, I will try to cover as well as possible various vehicles that could be found in IJAAF and IJNAF airfields.

First up, is the "Red Box" "Japanese Kamikaze" set in 1/72, half with Army pilots and mechanics and half with the Navy. Note the kimono-clad woman weaving a cherry tree branch. Overall very interesting and accurate set.

"Tori Factory Military Figures" has released a set in 1/72 entitled "Japanese Pilots & Woman". It does not specify if they are Army or Navy and from what I can tell it is based on a colorized post-war photo; the aircraft is not even an original Japanese. The pilot flight suits closely resemble Army so I guess it could be used in an IJAAF setting.
About the woman...

In this photo, schoolgirls wave goodbye to Army tokko pilots with cherry tree branches. Note that none is wearing a kimono and also note their hairstyle.

During the war years, especially from 1944 until the end, Japanese women, like these in the photo taken in July 1945, wore "monpe", not kimono, since most of them worked in the fields or the factories replacing men.
Dioramas featuring kimono-clad women waving goodbye to their loved ones is becoming fashionable lately, but strictly speaking, this was not the case. Of course, we can't dismiss out of hand the possibility that a Japanese woman went to an airfield in kimono, but it is more likely that it didn't happen. I guess some artistic license can be excused, though.
Again note the hairstyles of the women in the photo, completely different from the woman in the "Tori Factory" set. 

Unfortunately, the CMK kit "Japanese kamikaze pilots", is completely inaccurate. Although in the background Zero fighters are depicted so we are to assume these are Navy pilots, their uniforms are completely wrong. From the boots to the trouser pockets to the top shirt over a belt...
On the other hand, the "Ki-21 Japanese crew" set also in 1/72, depicts pilots with flight suits that look more IJNAF than IJAAF. 

Moving on to the 1/48 scale, "Modelkasten" released many years ago a marvellous set of Army and Navy pilots with a schoolgirl waving, exactly as it should be. Totally accurate in every respect but unfortunately a very difficult set to find these days. 

"Legend" has also released a set in 1/48 entitled "Kamikaze's Last Flight Ceremony". There are three figures but they are not specified if they are Army or Navy. They look more like Army to me so be careful with what kind of aircraft you pair them. 

"Hecker & Gorros" has released in 1/48 a set of two Japanese mechanics (I suppose) in their underwear. Not a bad idea but the headgear is IJAAF. There is no reason for Army mechanics to strip down to their underwear to service Army aircraft. Only Navy ground crew did that when they pushed floatplanes into the water.  

"Chino Model" we first saw yesterday with the beautiful pilot figures, has also released Army maintenance crew figures in 1/48 and 1/32. Although the headgear and the uniforms are correct, unfortunately, they wear puttees. アウト! 

In 1/32 "Black Dog" has release two pilot figures that can be purchased separately or together. They are entitled only as "Japanese Fighter pilot" and not specified if they are Army or Navy, a marketing fail. The flight suits look Army to me so I guess they can be paired with IJAAF aircraft. Again note the weird absence of goggles. 

"Royal Model" has released a figure in 1/32 entitled only "Japanese pilot - WWII" without explaining if he's Army or Navy. In the photo on the right he's standing in front of an Army fighter and his flight suit looks very Army to me. But without mentioning if he's Army or Navy leads to... 

...this (random model I spotted on FB). The poor modeler built and painted a very nice "Ohka" but added an Army pilot next to a Navy aircraft. Big marketing fail from "Royal Model". 

But take heart knowing that there is worse. "Aerobonus" has released two sets of clearly IJNAF pilot figures that they market as suitable to be used with Navy AND Army aircraft. Perhaps they believe all the Japanese pilots in WWII wore exactly the same flight suit?!?! A little research wouldn't hurt guys. 

ICM has included a Japanese pilot in this set in 1:32 but can't really tell if he's supposed to be Army or Navy (marketing fail!). 

"PlayMoreIt3D" has released downloadable sets of three pilots (here we see a set of two. check comment) entitled only as "Japanese WWII pilots", again without specifying if they are Army or Navy (marketing fail!). They look like Navy to me and the positive thing is that they are available in: 1/30 1/35 1/48 1/56 1/72 1/87.

Monday 9 September 2024

Japanese Airfields, Equipment & more #44 - revised

Modelling 2 
IJNAF pilots and ground crew
This time we start with the 1/72 scale.
First up is the RedBox release with 42 figures in 14 poses!!! Some a bit rough but very correct and in very useful poses. This is the only set I can't tell from experience the quality of all the rest of the sets presented here.

"Beaver Corporation" has released three sets in 1/72. The first here is IJNAF pilots; 20 figures in 10 poses. A bit rough but overall very nice and correct.

The second set is presented as aircraft carrier maintenance crew but could also be used for ground-based units with 22 figures, all in different poses.

The third set by Beaver is ground crew in summer clothing; 18 figures. The upper and the lower body parts do not match nicely and they all look weird but I guess this can be fixed with some surgery. The promotion images where the figures are placed on a "Betty" look nice but they also include figures in short trousers. Not sure if these are included in the set as optional. All in all, not bad but would need some work from the modeller.

Hasegawa has also released a set of flight crew for its "Betty" kit. Quite nice and even separately they could be very useful.

An unnamed company has also released three sets in a characteristic semi-transparent plastic. The first is an aircraft carrier deck crew. It looks nice but the overalls of the mechanics don't look exactly correct. On the positive side you get a good number of figures.

The next set from the same unnamed company is more interesting as it includes a torpedo with its trolley and a few crew members. I like this set and I think it could be useful for ground-based torpedo units.

The third set from the unnamed company is again, aircraft carrier deck crew. Looks good and by removing the gas masks they can be turned into ground-based unit mechanics.

"White Stork Miniatures" has released a set of two IJNAF pilot figures that, from what I can see, are the most beautiful in this scale. WOW!

Moving on to the 1/48 scale, the first set is from "A.B&K" and consists of two sets of IJNAF pilots, one standing one in the cockpit. Not bad at all, I would say.

The next set is from "Orion" and consists of 10 figures in 10 poses. I can see eight pilots and two mechanics, the latter in tropical uniforms. They all very crisp, of high quality and very correct. A set I'd like to purchase.

Next up, is four sets of IJNAF pilots from "Chino Model" I've never heard before. They are all in seated positions and they look absolutely amazing! Very crisp, super high quality and perfectly correct. These are the only sets that offer the option to have the pilots with their goggles on. I'll try to get my hands on these sets very soon and will let you know more.

"Chino Model" has also released a set of six Navy mechanics. Very correct, they would look great with Japan mainland-based fighter units flying "Raiden" or "Shiden-kai" fighters.

"Chino Model" has also released one pilot set in 1/32. I could find only their "vol.1" so either I couldn't find the "vol.2" or it's forthcoming. Again, a very very crisp and beautiful-looking figure.

Which comes with a set of mechanics also in 1/32. Very useful and correct.

"Allarmi" has released an impressive set of one IJNAF pilot whose head could be exchanged to represent Aces Sakai Saburo or Nishizawa Hiroyoshi. Very correct and from, what I can see from the photo, really beautiful.

"Ultracast" has also released one IJNAF pilot. Very very nice and overall correct. A small detail: compare the front of the boots of the Ultracast figure (not exactly accurate) with the Allarmi figure (perfectly correct).

"ProBuiltModel" has released a pre-painted IJNAF pilot figure in 1/32 too and it looks very very nice. The choice of colors is not perfect but fairly close.

In the same scale, "Black Dog" has released two Navy pilots that can be found boxed either separately or together. They look quite nice and correct but weirdly the sculptor opted to leave the pilot goggles out and their heads look bizarre without them.

"Border" has released a set of figures (mechanics, pilots and officers) that goes well with their "Akagi" deck kits which come either separately or with a "Kate" included! The figures look great and very correct.

I also discovered this figure available for 3d printing. No scale is specified but I guess the dimensions can be adjusted to any scale. I like it but the legs are way too long for the average Japanese pilot of the time.

Last but not least let's not forget the Tamiya release in 1/16.