Below is a selective bibliography of Japanese titles on the Type 96 Attack Bomber or Mitsubishi G3M "Nell" and the Type 1 Attack Bomber or Mitsubishi G4M "Betty".
BUNRINDO has released four publications in their Famous Airplanes Of the World series.
FAOW (blue) #60, April 1975 |
FAOW (white) #155, May 1986 |
FAOW #59, July 1996 |
FAOW #91, January 2002 |
FAOW(white) #155 is an exact reprint of the older FAOW(blue) #60 except this time colour artwork was done by Nohara Shigeru, while in the older it was by Hashimoto Kikuo and much better in quality.
The best of all the FAOWs on the "Betty" is the latest #59 with much better selection and quality of photos and better artwork by Nohara Shigeru.
FAOW #91 is the only Japanese publication dedicated to the "Nell". It is one of the best FAOWs ever with brilliant selection of photographs, artwork by Nohara Shigeru and Watanabe Rikyu-sensei and a reproduction of the plane's manual.
USHIO SHOBO has released Maru Mechanic #22 on the "Betty". Although it has an excellent reproduction of the plane's manual showing the differences between the various "Betty" models, accompanied by cockpit and rear gunner illustrations, it has poor photographic collection and artwork (Nohara) compared to the FAOWs. The plane's skeleton illustration though by Kamoshita Tokiyoshi is most helpful to modelers.
GAKKEN has released #42 on the "Betty". It is the best overall publication on the plane of all the above. Excellent photo collection with high printing quality, zoom ins and artwork showing in greater detail the various differences between the "Betty" models and most helpful and visually pleasant CG multi-view illustrations of all the interior of the plane as well as dramatic in-flight views.
MODEL ART has released #406 "Camouflage & Markings of Imperial Japanese Navy Bombers in W.W.II". The book includes an excellent collection of photographs with mostly b/w artwork by Nohara Shigeru focusing on the camouflage and markings of all IJNAF land-based bombers, carrier dive bombers and torpedo bombers as well as a small section on the IJNAF transport planes. No technical details are included in the book.
Types featured are: Mitsubishi G3M (Nell), Nakajima B5N (Kate), Mitsubishi B5M (Mabel), Aichi D3A (Val), Mitsubishi G4M (Betty), Yokosuka D4Y "Suisei" (Judy), Nakajima G5N "Shinzan" (Liz), Nakajima B6N "Tenzan" (Jill), Yokosuka P1Y "Ginga" (Frances), Aichi B7A "Ryusei" (Grace) , Yokosuka MXY7 "Ohka", Aichi M6A "Seiran" and more.
As always FAOW#59 has the best overall vintage photo collection, MM#22 is very helpful technically and MA#406 offers many camouflage and marking options. But as mentioned above Gakken #42 offers the best of all in one book and is the most highly recommended publication on the "Betty". For the "Nell" FAOW#91 is a must.
All the above publications are out-of-print except for FAOW#59 but they are all occasionally available through our on-line store. Email us for availability and prices.
There are three Japanese publications for the historians and researchers fluent in the Japanese language.
"Kiseki no Chuko-tai" (Miraculous Medium Bomber unit) by Higashi Akio, Kojinsha, July 1989 h/b
Reprinted in pocket paperback in November 1997.
Higashi-san was a veteran with Tateyama-ku, Kisarazu-ku, 13ku, 702ku and others flying "Nell" and "Betty" first over China, then from Rabaul, serving as test pilot with Kanoya Aviation Arsenal and having an overall very full and adventurous career.
"Rikko to Ginga" by Izawa Yasuho, Asahi Sonorama, October 1995, pocket pp.
An excellent book by a famous Japanese author on the history of the IJNAF Field Bombers and their units. From p. 470-622 there is an amazing list of all the Field Bomber and "Ginga" casualties including dates, units, pilots and fate. A most important book that could have been a valuable companion to the IJNAF & IJAAF Ace publications. As usual English publishers prefer books about Aces and fighters over bombers because they think they sell better.