Thursday 25 July 2019

Pilot uniforms and equipment - IJNAF #4

Harold K mentioned binoculars and just so happened a pair is/was on sale on the Japanese ebay.
According to the seller they were taken from the carrier Junyo when it was broken up. They are in pretty bad condition but, again according to seller, they work just fine. The lenses are 12cm.
The marking indicates that they were manufactured by "Tokyo Shibaura Denki". The particular marking was used by the company from December 1943, so the binoculars were made some time after that date.
Also on sale is a signal lamp, also from Junyo, manufactured by "Ishomura Sangyo Co.Ltd.".

On a separate entry an IJNAF Model 2 turn-and-bank indicator is/was on-sale. It's an older type built by "Tokyo Koku Keiki". 

The plate reads: "Turn-and-bank Model 2 - No. 7871 - Manufacture date: January 1941 - Tokyo Koku Keiki Co. Ltd."

And ofcourse glows in the dark!
According to Mikesh in "JapaneseAircraft Equipment":
The instrument was "used also in visual flight conditions, it measured the rate of turn for the aircraft. To coordinate the turn so as not to slip or skid, rudder pedal pressure centered the black ball in the tube filled with fluid for dampening." 

Sunday 21 July 2019

Pilot uniforms and equipment - IJNAF #3

Three IJNAF instruments today that were recently sold on the Japanese ebay.
First up is a standard Navy Model 3 altimeter manufactured by Tanaka Keiki Seisakusho.
The tag reads: "Kodokei 3 gata Kai 1" (Altimeter Model 3-kai 1) - Number: 301150 - Date:  - Tanaka Keiki Seisakujo"


Some indications can glow in the dark. Until about 1941 Japan used the highly radioactive radium (take a look here for an interesting case) on instruments but also watches. From 1942 its use was gradually replaced by material that would glow in the dark after exposure to heat or light although it was not completely phased out of use until the end of the war.   
Next is a standard Navy clock, not in very good condition, which from 1942 was almost always seen hanging in the front of a pilot's uniform instead placed in the instrument panel.


The engraving on the rear is not very clear but reads: armory, 13025
And finally a beautiful sextant.

 The tag reads: "Type 93 Air Bubble Sextant, 1945, January, No. 860, Tamaya Shoten Co.Ltd."

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 012 - MIRO HEROLD #2

Here's my second input for contest 2019.
Nakajima B5N2 from Airfix 1/72.
Saipan 1944 from 931 Kaigun Kokutai - primary used for shipping escort duty.
I used Photo-etched parts from Eduard for cocpit and the radar-antenas H-6 from Rising Decals.
- Miro Herold -