Friday, 24 January 2025

Kawasaki Ki-102 "Randy", 3rd Sentai, Noshiro Airfield - video

The Kawasaki Ki-48 "Lily" equipped unit, was badly mauled during the battle for the Philippines in 1944, and the few survivors who managed to return to Japan reorganized the unit, this time equipped with Kawasaki Ki-102 "Randy" ground attackers.

Unfrotunately I can't seem to find an accurate illustration of the unit's tail marking.

Akimoto's illustration is not good.

Hashimoto's in "Japanese Military Aircraft Illustrated" is no good either.

Nohara gave it a try in Model Art#533 and KFI#42, but he seems to have been inspired by Hashimoto; so no good either.

Unfortunately, the worst is by Scott in "Emblems of the Rising Sun".

Consequently, Sword's "Randy" markings are also incorrect.

BUT, our good friend Devlin Chouinard didn't waste any time to create, what I believe, the most accurate depiction of the 3rd Sentai unit marking when it flew Ki-102s. THANK YOU D.!!! 

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Kyushu Q1W "Tokai" (Lorna), 903 Kokutai, Noshiro 九州飛行機 陸上哨戒機「東海」, 第903海軍航空隊, 能代飛行場 - video

A very recently uploaded AMAZING clip, features a bunch of Kyushu Q1W "Tokai" (Lorna) land-based anti-submarine patrol bombers, found at Noshiro Airfield, Akita Prefecture, at the end of the war.
The tail marking "903-" indicates that they belong to the 903 Kokutai. The unit was organized on December, 15, 1944, as a maritime defense unit, with its headquarters at Tateyama, Chiba Prefecture, and its area of operations in the sea on the east side (Pacific) of Japan. It had dispatch units at several locations including Ominato (Aomori Prefecture), Hachijojima, Tsukuba, Chichijima, Hamajima, Kushimoto, Komachushima and more.
On May 15, 1945, the headquarters of the unit relocated to Ominato and dispatched more units to Wakkanai, Akkeshi, Mihoro (Hokkaido), Yamada Bay (Iwate Prefecture) and others.
Before the end of the war, its area of operations shifted to the sea in the northeast of Japan.
The unit was equipped with a variety of aircraft types including Zero-sen, Nakajima B5N "Kate", Nakajima B6N "Tenzan" (Jill), Mitsubishi G3M "Nell", Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" and Aichi E13A "Jake".
Originally, the unit's tail marking was "ヨG-" (YoG-) but from May 1945 it became "903-".

Friday, 10 January 2025

Nakajima Ki-27 "Nate" 中島 キ27 九七式戦闘機 - video

Ki-27s under production at a Nakajima factory.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Nakajima Ki-27 "Nate", unidentified unit marking 中島 キ27 九七式戦闘機, 分からない部隊マーク

Last year, these photos featuring a Nakajima Ki-27 "Nate" experiencing a landing mishap went under the hammer, making the seller particularly happy. No further information was provided, but most likely the photos were taken during the Nomonhan Incident (Battles of Khalkhin Gol). Can you identify the unit of this "Nate" with the undocumented (AFAIK) tail marking?

Monday, 6 January 2025

Aichi E13A "Jake", Saeki Kokutai 愛知 E13A 零式水上偵察機, 佐伯海軍航空隊 - video

Although the tail markings on most seaplanes are not visible, on the trailer of one of them the katakana "サヘ" can be seen confirming that the unit is the Saeki Kokutai.

The Saeki Kokutai, tail marking "サヘ" (SaHe), was established on December 1, 1934, under the Kure Naval District, dedicated to patrolling the Bungo Channel, where ships sail from Kure Naval Port to the Pacific Ocean.
Initially, it was equipped with various types of bombers. On June 5, 1943, a US submarine entered the Bungo Channel, and two planes from the unit bombed it. After that incident, there were frequent encounters with submarines in the area, and the unit engaged in anti-submarine sweeps, including preemptive bombing and guiding surface ships.
On January 1, 1944, the unit dispatched its bombers in preparation for the establishment of the 931st Kokutai, and was reorganized with 32 floatplanes in its strength.
Around September, Kyushu Q1W "Tokai" (Lorna) anti-submarine aircraft and flying boats were introduced to improve patrol capabilities.
On December 22, "Operation S1" (anti-submarine sweeps in the East China Sea area) was launched. Three floatplanes, four flying boats, and six "Tokais" participated under the command of the Sasebo Naval District Force.
From March 18, 1945, air raids against Saeki Airfield commenced.
On March 27, "Operation Ten-go" was launched. SaekiKu performed forward patrols and anti-submarine sweeps in preparation for battleship Yamato's departure. Similar missions were conducted when the operation was carried out on April 6.
On June 1, "Tokai" and flying boat squadrons were reorganized as independent floatplane squadrons.
The clip is dated June 25, 1945, so we're not sure if this is stock futage or what mission the unit is engaged in.
Illustration by Nohara Shigeru featured in FAOW#47.

Of special interest are markings featured on some (not all) "Jake" floatplanes, consisting of a thick white (I think) line starting from the cockpit side and extending on the wing, perhaps to help during formation flying.

Another interesting detail is the repetition of the individual seaplane's number on the cowling lip.

Note the Kato Tractor we discussed in previous posts.

In this still we can make out the tail marking of one more "Jake; "サヘ-38". All Japanese sources mention that only the floatplanes equipped with jikitanchiki (磁気探知機, "Magnetic Detector") had a yellow band on the tail; however, curiously, in this still, "SaHe-38" doesn't seem to be equipped with MAD.
The "Jakes" that were assigned to anti-submarine duties were split into two "groups": the "detectors" with MAD and the "killers" with bombs. When the "detectors" spotted a submarine the "killers" started attacking. Perhaps both groups in SaekiKu had yellow bands on their tail.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Nakajima Type 91 fighter, Aikoku #84 & #86 - 中島 九一式戦闘機, 愛国号 #84, #86 - video

On May 7, 1933, in the Parade Ground in Joto, Osaka, three Nakajima Type 1 Fighters were donated to the IJAAF; Aikokugo #84, #86 and #87. The donors were Tamura Komajiro, "Osaka Prefecture, City, and other industry-related parties" and the "Osaka Association of Honmon Butsuryū" respectively.
In the clip we can see the donation ceremony of #84 and #86 taking place with the Shinto Priest permorming a Harai Ceremony before the two pilots are taking the fighters for a spin.