Monday 15 May 2017

Shizuoka 2017 pt. 2

For the 2015 Shizuoka show we wrote: It seems that this year the modellers just rushed to finish something and send it to the show.
This comment could not have been more true this year. The level of Japanese aircraft models was particularly low and I was impressed only with one or two of them. The rest were all mediocre. As expected, there were too many out-of-the-box Tamiya "Hien" that all looked the same, more "Emily" flying boats than ever before, again all looking exactly the same. Many Zeros as always, very few bombers, almost no Japanese aircraft dioramas.
This year I'm not going to bother for a detailed presentation of each club. You will find the best Japanese aircraft models on the last post as always and you will also find, for the first time on this blog, the models that really made me say WOW! in a separate post. They were not Japanese aircraft.
Here we go:

"Mokei Gasshuku-san Team" presented a diorama with nine "Fugaku" super bombers all in 1/144

A rather interesting "Hiryu" in 1/144 (if I remember correctly) with a puzzling tail marking.

A quite nice "Gekko" in 1/72. Considering that it's a Fujimi kit the modeler must have put a lot of effort to fix the fuselage but unfortunately not much in the paint job.


One of the better Zeros of the show

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