Monday 11 September 2017

Nakajima Ki-44 "Shoki" by Jean Barby

The Hasegawa "Shoki" was built using the super SBS interior and was painted to represent Major Saito plane as the two pics in Nick Millman's Osprey book show it. Saito was commanding the 85th Sentai. The camo was Green-grey with green and brown blotches and a heavy chipping both on wings and fuselage. Using figurines I tried to give some animation to my pics, sorry for the lst one where I did not spot the sliding hood! 
- Jean Barby -


Michael Thurow said...

Great model with convincing finish in a nice setting. Bravo Jean!

D. Chouinard said...

Beautiful work! I like how you changed out the figures too. The paint chipping and weathering are well done, what technique did you use?

Eric Vogel said...

What a Beauty !!
Good paintjob and weathering

DtKS said...

Model building and diorama at its best. The weathering is outstanding.

David S. said...

A lovely model of a lovely bird - Well done!
I own and plan to use the SBS interior on my Ki-44 project too. Haven't seen any build up photos/reports of this set yet, despite I really think their stuff is good looking.
To be honest, the noisy background is somewhat disturbing to my eye, but your model definitely is inspiring.

Arawasi said...

If 5.0 is the best in our contest, for me this "Shoki" is a 10!