Wednesday 10 January 2018

Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero by Michael Furry

1/48 Tamiya A6M2 Type 21 Zero.

Tamiya Zero kits have been on the market for many years.  While not as detailed as more current releases, they still build into respectable models. 
I added a few details to the cockpit and re-scribed a few panel that that were lost during construction.  Ignition wires for the engine and brake lines for the landing gear were fabricated from soft wire.   I used Floquil aged concrete and light grey for the much debated grey/green.  The tail markings are from an old AeroMaster decal sheet and I am not 100% sure of their accuracy.  I chose to paint the tail band blue as I liked how this looks against the grey/green.  I guess one could consider this model more fiction than fact, but I feel Floquil aged concrete is a respectable match for the overall color.
- Michael Furry -


The kit slayer said...

A fine looking model. Really good finish.
Im not in total agreement with your choice of grey,but that is a personal opinion ( Im no expert) and should take nothing away from your excellent workmanship.

Honza78 said...

Beautiful, great work!

Michael Furry said...

Kit Slayer,
Thank you for the comments. I think Japanese grey will forever be a bit of a mystery which is what makes model making so much fun, one gets to apply artistic license and imagination!
Floquil aged concrete is a very close match for the paint chips in one of the Model Art publications. I am not sure where Model Art publications got the information about the paint from, but the aged concrete is an extremely close match.


D. Chouinard said...

A really nice looking model! I like the Tamyia kit, it makes for a no fuss build, and can be detailed out if one wishes. I have the A6M2-N version in the closet waiting to be built. (With all the attention focused on that variant, it might be possible that it gets built sometime in the near future.)
Yes, hairyokushku is hard to nail down. For sure, it isn't the warm, browish gray some use. Colors vary, sometimes a lot, so it's hard to say what is exactly "right". As paint ages, the color can change, and if out in the weather, it can become dull and chalky. Lighting plays a huge role, for sure.
To me, the color looks fine, right in the range I would expect.

Anonymous said...

Since the weather conditions play such a huge role in how paint colors are perceived by the naked eye, I would say that your finish is of an aircraft whose picture was taken on a cloudy day. I would say that if your aircraft represented one whose picture was taken on a bright sunny day then there would be more yellow in the finish and it would look "warmer". And since I am always right, I would say that your finish is perfect!

Wind Swords

The kit slayer said...

Micheal let me assure you that I meant no criticism of your colour choice. It has been interesting and informative the debate it has raised. Thank you and all who have contributed.

Michael Furry said...

Kit Slayer,
I did not take your comments as criticism, I wanted to point out a reference that has a paint chip sample that matches Foquil aged concrete. I can say that depending on the light conditions, the model does look different. I have taken the model to various model shows over the past few years and it always seems to spark conversation, which I find quite rewarding.

Thank you for the comments,
