This is my Sweet 1/144 A6M2 with carrier deck. I was an absolute joy to build with detail that rivals many previous 1/72 (and even some 1/48) Zeke kits and parts fit like anything that Tamiy is currently producing. Any deficiencies you see are mine and mine alone – the major one being the canopy frames. Sweet provides decals for the framing but they are so tiny and fragile that they disintegrated with my first attempt to handle them. As I was going to a model contest the following morning, I had to improvise quickly. I cut some stripes of Tamiya tape, sprayed them, and applied. The results are crude, but it is all I had time to do. I was so impressed with this little kit that I ended up buying two more and will probably mask and spray the canopy framing, one frame at a time, on the next go around. It will be a lot of work but I think it’s probably the only way to get a really good, delicate framing job accomplished. What I am happy with is the flight deck. Again, I used Tamiya tape cut to the length and width of each plank. I masked and sprayed three different shades of tan, then gave the whole thing a “consolidating” coat of paint to pull it all together and make the variation more subtle. This was tedious work but I’m pleased with the outcome. Finally, I added some tie-downs and a VHF radio antenna using stretched sprue. Markings are for a Hiryu aircraft. If I recall correctly, the the aotake is “Old Cement” from Pactra railroad colors.
Bill Weckel
Sweet! (Sorry, I had to say it!) Nice Zero in such a tiny scale. I can't imagine doing the canopy framing on something so small! Looks as though the decals didn't want to snuggle down into the panel lines, though?
I'm impressed by your effort- it looks great! each scale has it's own difficulties and having four of the
Sweet A6M2-N know of the troubles painting the cockpit frame. I tried it with a "fine writer-pen" and
though is is not ideal it works for me.
Jacob Terlouw
A cude little beauty! I'm also impressed by the carrier deck. Hard to believe that it's handy work. A detailed building report (with pictures) would be very informative.
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