Thursday 15 August 2019

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 012 - DEREK COOPER

Here are some photos of my Mitsubishi Ki-30 "Ann" as captured and flown by the Chinese Communists (continuing my penchant for Japanese aircraft in non-Japanese markings). The kit is AZ Model's 1/72 offering, and the decals were included in the kit.
The kit is typical short-run and needs some work to achieve a presentable result. In particular, I added landing lights in the wing leading edges, navigation lights to the wingtips and hollowed-out the exhausts. Also, although not visible in my photos, I added a transparency to the bomb-aimer's window in the fuselage underside, which is simply left as a big hole in the kit. I did not find the cockpit transparency to be a particularly good fit, but that may just have been due to my lack of modelling skills.
According to Wikipedia, the Chinese Communists operated three captured Ki-30s as trainers, and Kecay's publication "Japanese Aircraft in Foreign Service - Volume 1" contains what is claimed to be the only known photograph of one. Not unexpectedly, the photo is of poor quality and it is virtually impossible to ascertain the exact pattern of the camouflage. This leads me to believe that the profile contained in that publication, and indeed the colour scheme proposed in AZ Model's kit, are best guesses and may simply be an indication of the general type of camo scheme that was actually applied to the aircraft. Rightly or wrongly, I decided to follows Kecay's example (with a few alterations) because it contains some nice weathering.
I did not know whether or not to put yellow IFF strips on the wing leading edges. Kecay shows these, but AZ Model's kit does not. I guess it depends at what stage the aircraft was actually captured by the Chinese. Given the early style of camo scheme, I decided to leave them off. I also chickened out of trying to stick the aerial mast to the cockpit canopy because it would probably have been very prone to breaking off. In any event, I can see no evidence for the presence of the mast in Kecay's photo (but I freely admit that this may just be wishful thinking!).

Derek Cooper - England


Anonymous said...

Wind Swords said...

I give 7 for the model and 1 point extra for the unusual subject (how many Ki-30 models has anyone seen before?) and the difficulty of the short run kit. Total: 8 points.

Winds Swords

Honza78 said...

I know this kit. It is more sculpture than modeling !! ;) And in 1:78 scale it is a tough fight.
Dám 8.9!
If only Wingsy kits would produce a new kit of this machine at 1:48. That would be terrific.

D, Chouinard said...

I know little of AZ models other than they are rough in some (many?!) places, and this one is obviously no exception. Good work on a difficult kit! 8

Eric Vogel said...

Good build on this one,knowing how difficult the AZ models could be.
I like the camouflage as well, attractive scheme !
For me : 8

Arawasi said...

Yes, I agree it looks a bit rough on close up but considering it's in 1/72 and the unusual subject gets an 8 from me.