Monday 20 June 2016

Kawanishi N1K1 "Kyofu" by Adam O'Brien

This is my Hasegawa Kawanishi N1K1 "Kyofu" (Rex) Prototype in 1/72.

- Adam O'Brien -


Honza78 said...

Super. Beautiful work.

Anonymous said...

Excellent work, so detailed for 72 scale. I thought that prototypes were finished int he orange-yellow color. Was there a reason that this one was different?

Wind Swords

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little gem this is.!!!

Eric Vogel

Unknown said...

Thank you all for your kind comments.

Windsword, sorry I'm no expert on this subject, I have seen this aircraft
in orange as you say, but the Hasegawa kit I worked from, exhibited the grey color.
Kit No.51385. 2051385