My name is Calin Ungureanu, I'm 47, married, father of a 10-year-old son, living in Bucharest - Romania.
I build models from 1995. I started like everybody else with WWII Germans, continued with all kind of nations and era examples. In the same time I modeled also terrestrial vehicles, navy subjects, science fiction and figures.
Apart from that I'm a painter - restorer by formation.
After my son was born, time became more and more limited and I settled for japanese 1/72 airplanes and bigger scale white metal and resin figurines. You can see my works HERE.
I'd like to take part in the contest with three models in 1/72:
1. a Mitsubishi Ki-83 from the Special Hobby kit,
2. a Kugisho R2Y1 "Keiun" from the Finemolds kit and
3. an Aichi M6A1-K "Nanzan" from Tamiya.
Thank's for the opportunity !

Calin, thank you for taking part in our contest. All three models look FANTASTIC. My favorite is the Ki-83!!!
I have one question for the "Nanzan", on the port side it looks okay but on the starboard side the film of the tail marking decal is visible. Is it because of the photographic conditions (flash etc)? Is it less visible under natural light?
I concur, they are fantastic. I knew I would have to judge between entries by different persons but now I have to choose between multiple entries by a single individual. This is going to be harder than I thought!
Wind Swords
Great modelling talent shown here.
Here's my score*:
Ki-83 - 4
"Keiun" - 4
"Nanzan" - 3.5
*5 is the highest score
Hi All.
Here's my score*:
Ki-83 - 3,5
"Keiun" - 3,5
"Nanzan" - 2,5
Nice models !!! :)
Ki-83 - 4.5
"Keiun" - 4.5
"Nanzan" - 3.5
Extra credit for unusual subject choices.
Wind Swords
Thank you all for your credits.
I've been in a place with no internet or phone coverage. I also received the mail.
The decal on the Nanzan lift up in time. I probably didn't respect at that time the "decal commandment" - paint-future-decal-future-varnish.
Anyway I'm glad you apreciate them and I wait to see other entries from which to learn and inspire myself for future projects.
Indeed the Ki83 was the one I wanted most in my collection after seeing a painting of the renowned Shigeo Koike sama. It was a challenge because of the short run quality of the kit. I have to make from scratch many parts, including windows. In the process I found a series of photos on the internet showing this plane with it's particular painting of two shine qualities, wearing japanese hinomaru and after a few days american stars.
A particularity of this plane was that the left oleo compass was mounted forward on the leg and the right one, backwards. That puzzled me a lot when I build it.
Oh, seeing ZbYszek model and blog reminded me that there is an article on Aviation of Japan regarding the construction of my Ki83 that I forget to add.
The Keiun with green body and orange belly is so eye catching.
Ki83 3.5
Keiun 3.5
Nanzan 3.0
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