Wednesday 27 July 2016

Mitsubishi Ki-21 "Sally" - 60 Sentai - video

The NHK video dated June 18, 1940 talks about the bombing raids against Chongqing, the nationalist capital, without mentioning exact dates and ofcourse which bombing unit is featured. There were five raids during that month; June 6, 10, 12, 16 and 28. The video mentions that the aircraft for the bombing attacks gathered on June 10, so the footage should be either of the June 12 or the June 16 raids. The video also mentions that during the bombing raid the Japanese forces faced 30 enemy aircraft downing about 10. In any case the "Sally" unit responsible is the 60th Sentai with commander Ltn Colonel Ogawa Kojiro. The unit relocated to Yuncheng on June 3 with 51 Type 97 Heavy Bombers or Mitsubishi Ki-21 and 582 members to participate in the raids.    
The "Senshi Sosho #74: Chugoku Homen Rikugun Koku Sakusen" (Army Air Operations in the China Area) mentions that on June 12 Command Reconnaissance aircraft (most probably Ki-15s) took off from Yuncheng and Hankow airfields to reconnoitre the area over Chongqing. Upon their return and after reporting the weather and enemy airfield conditions, 36 bombers of the 60th Sentai took off.
Above Xanxian County two "Sally" bombers grazed eachother and crashed around that area. A few minutes before starting their bombing runs the 60 Sentai aircraft were jumped by 28 enemy airplanes but continued their mission and bombed the city at 14:16 from an altitude of 4000m. The Japanese claimed 13 enemy planes shot down and seven probables. The port wing of one of the Chinese aircraft hit the port wing of one of the "Sally" bombers resulting in the disintegration of the former and little damage to the latter which return to base with pieces of cloth of the enemy fighter streaming. The Japanese had 18 aircraft with bullet holes and four crew members injured.
On the 16th, 36 bombers from the 60th Sentai bombed the city from 5000m and were jumped by 37 enemy fighters, claiming nine shot down while loosing two bombers, one damaged and 22 shot at. 
During both raids IJNAF aircraft also participated but in this posting we are focusing on the video and information regarding the aircraft and units featured in it.


David Brizzard said...

Thank you again for more great film footage. Seems the Japanese made a lot more of these newsreel clips than we realized. Always looking
forward to seeing what else you run across. Floatplanes !!!

Honza78 said...

Super video. Thank you. :)