Wednesday 17 January 2018

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 006 - MIKHAIL AGEENKO

Still not yet fully finished, but that is all I have managed to do to the date…
Tamiya 1/72 Aichi M6A1-K Nanzan
- Mikhail Ageenko - 



D. Chouinard said...

Nice! Don't often see these kits built, although they are put out by a major manufacturer. Orange always brings a little life to the model shelf. 4.5

Toryu said...

A very pleasant model, nice finish and good photography. 4.8

Anonymous said...

Not sure what is left to finish on this model, other than weathering and an antenna wire. It is complete enough for me to say you have done a great job with it. I like the well defined panel lines, they really stand out with the trainer orange finish. I would like to know what color and brand of paint you used for the finish and for the landing gear. 4.7

Wind Swords

Anonymous said...

Things to do
1) antenna wire
2) navigation lights
3) yellow stripes on propeller
4) pitot tube (need a replacement, was lost)

Orange was mixed from different automobile paints.
Landing gear - gunze metallic.


Arawasi said...

I like it a lot! 4.7