Wednesday 15 August 2018

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 009 - MIRO HEROLD

Nakajima Ki 84 Kó. 57th Shimbu Tai, Shimodate May 1945. Pilot T. Sgt. Yamashita Takayuki. Final task without return on 25th May 1945 to Okinawa.
I built the old Hasegawa in scale 1/72. Clear vax canopy is from Falcon, decals from PHU.
Remember, the airplanes delivered to 57th Shimbu Tai were new direct from factory, therefore I didn’t make much weathering.

- Miro Herold, Germany -


Arawasi said...

Although quite good, I liked your 1st Rensei Hikótai "Hayate" a lot more. I can see problems at the port wing leading edge and visible fuselage seams but overall I appreciate your effort with the old kit, the excellent radio line, the masterful aplication of the decals and the presentation of the open canopy. I'm sure your model would have been an absolute beauty with a better kit. 7

Toryu said...

A nice model overall. True that transition between parts could be cleaner but the colours look quite accurate. The final coat may be a touch too shiny, and warning lines should be yellow on olive-brown late versions. I admire 1/72 modellers - details are much more challenging to reproduce. 7 from me.

Anonymous said...

My only criticism is that it seems a bit too glossy to me, but this might be the lighting used and not because of the paint. As has been stated before the radio antenna is exemplary especially at this scale. My vote is 8.

Wind Swords

D. Chouinard said...

Good work on an old kit. I will echo the mention of the shiny surface, but the colors look really good. Some rough areas here and there, but I know it's difficult to get everything absolutely perfect in such a small scale. 7.

Raketenmann said...

I just wrestled my own Hayates and I like your result very much. Very accurate work, good colours and fine detail like rigging of the antenna. Did you also make a new landing light? A bit too clean for my taste but an overall 8.5.