Wednesday 23 December 2020

Kawasaki Ki-61 "Hien" (Tony), 78 Sentai by Jean Barby

I had this model in my head for a long time. In fact the "Hien" saga in New-Guinea and the melting of some IJAAF Regiments there, like the 68th and 78th Sentaïs has always fascinated me. The very good books of Mr Claringbould on the subject convinced me to give it a try. So this is Hasegawa 1/48th Ki-61-Hei equipped with the Mauser canons, as some found their way to that theater of operation. The 78th Hiko-Sentai changed its tail markings for some bands of the shotai color, like I did, and it seems the rudder was from another plane. I have also used the hairspray technic to simulate the already chipping green under the hard tropical climate. Otherwise as usual, no decals but masks. The Aluminium is AK Aluminium and the greens is Gunze H330.

- Jean Barby -


Honza78 said...

Good job! He looks straight live.

Baronvonrob said...

What an excellent example of the Ki-61 Hei!

Indeed, your use of the hairspray technique is an unqualified success .. Masterful workmanship on display

Happy Holidays to all Arawasi readers with special thanks to the Great Wild Eagle .... George

Danilo said...

Beautifull model and a very interesting scheme - I also have been fascinated by the Hiens' camouflage schemes adopted in New Guinea.
I take this opportunity to wish George, Kiri and all friends of this fine blog a very special Happy New Year -the 2020 has been a horrible one for everybody! Cheers

WK said...

Great job on the paint scheme. This is the reason why I’m trying to locate an early 1/48 Ki-61, the field applied camouflage is much more interesting.

Unknown said...

Excellent work Jean Barby ! Great to see the tops of the tailplane done correctly too. Michael Clarinbould