Wednesday 15 August 2012

Artist: Takizawa Seiho

Following yesterday's posting, we got in touch with Takizawa-san and he kindly gave us exclusive permission to feature samples of his artwork on our blog.
He explicitly requested that his artwork should not be re-posted on any other site or blog without his permission and we hope our readers will respect the artist's wishes.

 "Geigeki Sento-tai" (Interceptor fighter Unit)
Visit Takizawa-san's personal site HERE and also THIS SITE that he recommended.

1 comment:

D. Chouinard said...

Very nice!
I spent some time on the website, Takizawa-san does some nice work. very clean and defined. I sort of grew up with anime/manga style art as well as "western" style, so I'm naturally drawn to it. (Pardon the pun!) :)

Thank you Arawasi and Takizawa-san!

ps: Any outlets in the U.S. for the manga?