Saturday 31 December 2016


2017, the year of the rooster.
Last year was the worst for Arawasi; ever. We finished 2015 very optimistic and in high spirits but we spent most of 2016 full of health problems, disappointment, depression and plain boredom. As a result we published nothing even though there were various projects almost finished. One of the worst features of last year was the constant ball-busting bombardment of demands for free help from free "friends" who remember us only when they are building a new Japanese aircraft model.  
The blog was sometimes a pleasant escape and we would like to say a big thank you to everybody who stood beside us, helped, contributed, emailed us a few kind words or simply left a comment keeping what we've been doing for 15 years now still alive and kicking. Bruised and down but definitely not out. We love what we do, Japanese aviation is our passion and rest assured we will continue to publish magazine issues and Eagle Eyes as well as posting on this blog.
So, here are our plans for 2017. We have promised ourselves to release issue#13 of our magazine and at least one Eagle Eye. Be prepared for surprises! We are also determined to post more on the blog and make it even more interesting. The modelling contests will continue build build!
As always we would like to thank everybody who left a comment:
Dizzyfugu, Jacob Terlow, Jon Yuengling, Jon Godwin, Panagiotis Koubetsos, Max Brandt, Dan Salamone, David Brizzard, Wind Swords, Ron, Fluffy, Rene de Koning, Roel, Bob Alford, Gary Lai, Alcides, Gustavo Antonelli, Andreas, justforever96, George Bryant, Jan Voorbij, Cheesehat, Fugaku, Scoobs, Bernhard, Harold K, Laurent Chambon, F_IV.
A special thank you goes to everybody who contributed to this blog and participated in the contests:
Charlie Swank, Vladimir Martinicky, Mikhail Ageenko, The kit slayer, Jean Barby, Rui Lerias, DizzyFugu, Jan Goormans, Alexandros Angelopoulos, Allan Jeffery, Otsuki-san, Cameron Lohmann, Zbyszek Malicki, Calin Ungureanu, Adam O'Brien, Miro Herold, Michael Williams, Gary Wenko, Richard Brooker, Prof. Nemisis Goosehabit, Luigi Scarano, Ryszard Holak, Mariusz Kogut, Andrey Temnyy.
And finally a HUUUUGE "thank you" to our good friends:
Sinang AribowoJames Boyd, Devlin Chouinard, Danilo Renzulli, Eric Vogel and Zygmunt Szeremeta (wherever he may be). 
Let's hope 2017 is better in every respect than 2016. All the best for the new year to everybody.


David Brizzard said...

Let us all hope for a better 2017.

I do look forward to whatever you will publish this year.
Please keep up the good work. I enjoy your site daily.

Also, always glad to help with any IJN Floatplane questions.

Dizzyfugu said...

Cheers, and peace on Earth.


Seawings said...

Hey, Arawasi, it's Bryan here from
I have enjoyed every post you have put out and appreciate all that you do to keep the interest in Japanese WWII aviation alive and well. You do a fantastic job in finding the information you do and I know just how much work in the back ground that can take. I look forward to seeing what you offer in 2017 and want you to know that it is is appreciated by me. Keep up th e great work, and Happy New Year to you all, Bryan Ribbans

D. Chouinard said...

Happy New Year to everyone! I'll let the door hit 2016 on the way out, praying that 2017 will be a much better year for all concerned.

Thank you G. for everything! Onward and upward!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Arawasi !...all the best for 2017.

Anonymous said...

I have been on vacation visiting family over the holidays and therefore have been off the "grid". Thank you for all you do and I wish you a happy and prosperous 2017! There are only 4 websites I visit each and every day. Yours is one of them.

Wind Swords

The kit slayer said...

Wishing you all the very best for 2017. May your blog go from strength to strength.

Harold K said...

The blog content WAS different in 2016; I'm sorry to find (but not surprised) that it was in large part due to some personal issues.
May 2017 be a better year for all of us; for you & yours, George, especially.

Arawasi said...

Thank you all. Your support is much appreciated.

Gus said...

Cheers, I hope you the best, I love your blog!

Eric Vogel said...

All the best wishes to all of you for 2017.
Keep up the good work George and let this new year be a better one for you.

Best regards,

Eric Vogel

Danilo said...

Dearest George,
sometimes the life's things do not go the way we would like, so there are periods a bit tough to overcome or get through. My only wish is that you and Kiri keep going on to run this invaluable Arawasi blog -I enjoy it every time, and every time I find something interesting in it
So please do not get disheartened and ....keep publishing - I and all the friends out here simply look forward to your next works.
A happy New Year to all the folks of this blog

Danilo Renzulli