Thursday 31 May 2018

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 008 - BILL WECKEL #1

This is Hasegawa’s great 1/32 Scale Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate kit. It’s a simple and well-engineered kit that builds easily. Mine is out-of-the-box with masked and painted markings for an aircraft of the 29th Sentai operating from Formosa in 1944–45. I used Tamiya rattle cans for the natural metal finish.
- Bill Weckel -


D. Chouinard said...

Nice! I like the NMF, and the weathering is good. It may need a touch more oil stains on the bottom, but over all, it's well done. 4.8 (What colors were used, by the way?)

Honza78 said...

I love machines from 29. Sentai. Such personal deviation. Really good bit.
I give 5 points!

Toryu said...

Well built and great silver shine (not too chrome-like)! The weathering of the anti-glare area looks great, too. I have some doubts, however, about the colour of the no-step warning lines - red on NMF factory-delivered aircraft? 4.8

Bill said...

D.C.: This was my first attempt at a NMF (at least since brush painting as a kid.) The base is Tamiya AS rattle can, then I picked out some panels with Alclad.

Jan: Thanks for the compliment.

Toryu: I saw a Japanese modeler in one of my Model Art magazines do the warning markings in yellow. I'm sure I just further propagated his mistake. Now that I think about it, I've never seen a decal sheet print them in anything other than red. I'll get it right next time!

Arawasi said...

I like it. No to the yellow warning markings, no to the yellow drop tanks and no to the kill markings. In that big scale I would have liked to see a detailed ockpit and perhaps some panels opened with the engine or cannons showing. But other than that a very nicely finished model. 4.6