Tirnanog (Chiba Pref. & Osaka)
Facebook Society of Plastic Model Fans
Ise Flying Venus (Mie Pref.)
Oshiire Modelers Club (Tokyo-Chiba-Fukuoka-San Francisco)
Unknown club (sorry)
The old Hasegawa 1/72 "Hayate" kit with Lifelike decals. One of the best 1/72 kits of the show by Taki-san.
Project 144
All models in 1/144 scale. YES, 1/144 scale.
Top are the amazing flying boat and seaplane models of Kanbayashi-san, followed by the aircraft carrier decks of "Hetaro-san".
Mokei Circle "Triangle" (Kanagawa Pref.)
ROCK WAVE Modellers Club (Kanto area)
Hokkaido Plasticmodel Junkie Cooperation (Hokkaido & internet)
WADACHI Modeling Club (Shimane Pref.)
Mikawa Mokei Doko-kai COMKY (Higashi Mikawa)
Osaka Prototype (Osaka)
Crazy Forms - The club of Begginers (Yokohama)
Brilliant "Koken-ki" in 1/72 by Hamada-san. Kit Platz/Unlimited Air Models
M. G. S. (Tokyo)

Doshisha Daigaku Mokei Kenkyu-kai (Kyoto)
TOSA Mokei Club (Kochi Pref.)
Komachu G Club (Ishikawa Pref.)
Note the absolutely brilliant "Seiran" by Fujii-san. Tamiya 1/48 with resin DB605 engine properly modified. Scratch-built engine mount, tanks etc.
The Ki-43 II, which I am guessing is the 1/32 Hasegawa kit, is stunning. The Ki-27 and the Val on the carrier deck in takeoff position are well executed and display a high degree of finesse.
My favorite is not a model though, it is the name of the last club-Plastic Model Junkie Corporation-I love it, very clever! I also like the Emily too!
In all parts posted, I have seen an amazing verity of models and creative ways to display them. Really nice seeing the pre war types!
So many beautiful and interesting models displayed. I can't tell which one I like better.
Dioramas of aircraft situated on ships are always fascinating to look at for me - hidden objects to be discovered everywhere.
I probably like the Judy, on what I think is either Hyuga's or Ise's aircraft deck, the best though. A more simple "aircraft on ship"-diorama, yet telling a very interesting background story you don't see modelled too often. Would love to do something like this myself, unfortunately I still wasn't able to locate a source detailing the rails and trolleys...
The Type 95 floatplane presented by "Doshisha Daigaku Mokei Kenkyu-kai", Type 97 fighter by "Mokei Circle" and the E14Y overflying the I-boat instantly caught my eye as well.
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