Sunday, 7 July 2019

Japanese Aircraft Online Model Contest 012 - JEAN BARBY

I did this model a long time ago for the French magazine "Wing Master". It is the Koster Aero vac model of the "Nell". As any vac model it required a lot of work, but it went along very nicely. The whole interior was scratched. In 48th it is a very large plane and I enjoyed it from start to finish.
- Jean Barby -



Arawasi said...

I don't think I can score this brilliant model anything other than a 10!

Baronvonrob said...

A superb achievement in every aspect….Any vacuform kit would be a daunting venture indeed.

10 points
Well Done Sir !

Honza78 said...

There's nothing to say. 10!

Michael Furry said...

Great job! I admire the effort and dedication you put into this kit. Vacuform kits are a separate genre with their own idiosyncrasies. I like the fact that you painted the markings. I noticed that the tires do not sit on the flat spots and appear to be slanted inward, there is a small seam visible where the left engine nacelle meets the wing, and windshield to fuselage seam is irregular. Overall this is an impressive build. I vote 8.


D. Chouinard said...

What can I say but....10? Amazing work!

Eric Vogel said...

And an other great "Nell" in this contest. For me it looks like a daunting task to complete these kind of vacuform kits. But it looks brilliant ! Also all of the antenna wires are attached.
For me a 10.

Anonymous said...

I don't give 10s. That being said, Jean is the standard in my book. 9.9 is my vote. The fact that it is a vac form kit with a scratch built interior I would give it a 9.99, but I don't think that is allowed :-)

Wind Swords

Arawasi said...

Hey Jean.
I understand how you feel and thank you for the email. On the other hand, if you go to a restaurant and you don't like the food, I don't think you would like the chef to come out and tell you "let's see how you cook it!".
So, let's take a breath and welcome Mike's and everybody else's comments even if we don't agree or like them.

Wind - personally I don't have standards. If I start comparing all the models to the ones Panagiotis Koubetsos (for example) has built then the highest score would be 2 or 3. So, I just don't compare. I see a model and score it as individual.

George Bryant said...

Jean, the Nell is one of my favorite aircraft. You have done an amazing job on this kit. A 10 in my book. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Nice build of a vac kit. I must agree with Mr. Furry"s comments. The tires are not on the flat spots, there is a hole in the wing leading edge next to the engine and the seam work could be smother with the canopy. Don't understand the builders sour grapes. The other entries have some negative comments about them. He needs to grow a thicker skin. 7.0

Arawasi said...

Just to remind everyone that you need to leave a name or at least a nick-name for your vote to count. You can leave as many comments as you like as "Anonymous" "Unknown" etc but the votes don't count. Thanks.