Monday 22 April 2013

11th Exhibition of Plastic Modelling of IPMS CYPRUS

The show took place at the European University, Nicosia, Cyprus, 13-14 April 2013.
A few photos of Japanese subject entries courtesy of IPMS CYPRUS member, Kiriakos.

 A very good looking 244Sentai Kawasaki Ki-61 "Hien" in 1:32. Excellent shading!

Another 1:32 Nakajima Ki-84 "Hayate" of the 22nd Sentai. Note the discreet weathering. There might be some objection to the black IJNAF cowling though.

And a very nice Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha.  

Thank you Kiki for the photos.


Harold K said...

Certainly very nice work.
Even better, it's good to see that some of the folks on Cyprus are having at least a little fun, these days :(

Ryan B. said...

Is that a black cowling on that 22nd sentai Ki-84?

Arawasi said...

Ryan B. - Unfortunately yes.