Monday 20 May 2013

SHIZUOKA 2013 - pt. 3

We continue today with more photos from the various clubs.

"Shinsengumi" club
Ki-78 by Soeda Konosuke
Doyusha 1:100
"Rufe" by Soeda Konosuke
Doyusha 1:100
  Civilian "Nell" no details
Arii 1:72
Beautiful "Nick" by Miyaji Toshio
Hasegawa 1:72
"Ginga" by Miyaji Toshio
Hasegawa 1:72

"Oburoshiki" club
LaGG-3 serie 8 by Taki Hiroki
Toko 1:72
Crazy Forms & The Club of Begginers from Yokohama
"Oscar" by Hamada Ken (?)
Special Hobby 1:72
Osaka Prototype club
Two "Hien" by Kitaguchi Hiroyuki
Fine Molds 1:72 based on the manga
by Takizawa Seiho (see previous post).

Hanshin Flappy Modellers 
One "Raiden" and one "Hayate" by Nakano Mitsuhide (?)
both Hasegawa 1:48

Sannshikikai club
A beautiful "Dinah" in 1:48
unknown details

OTAC club
Zero-sen by Iguma Masami
Bandai 1:24

Club Italia 
Three cute tiny models but of unknown details

Kyu Nippon Riku-Kaigun Mokei Hozon-kai 
Various very intersting models but no details about the builder, model or scale.

Zero-sen and bust of Japanese ace Akamatsu
but no other details

Blog! Modelers
 Nakajima E8N by "Yukikaze"
Choroszy Modelbud 1:72
Kawanishi E7K by "Yukikaze"
Choroszy Modelbud 1:72
"Shiden-kai" by "Hinomaru Kokutai"
Hasegawa 1:72
Zero-sen by "COLT-T"
Hasegawa 1:72
Zero-sen by "Hinomaru Kokutai"
Fine Molds 1:72
Ki-100 by "Hinomaru Kokutai"
RS Model 1:72
"Nate" by "Hinomaru Kokutai"
Hasegawa 1:72

Takamatsu Nippers
"Nate" by Manabe "Zeke" Hideaki
Hasegawa 1:48
Yotsuba no Kuroba Dai-Sakusen club
Maeda Tsuyoshi-san conributed two beautiful models.

"Kyofu" Tamiya 1:48
Mitsubishi Ki-46-IIIHei, Tamiya 1:48

DOGEN from Oita prefecture
The group exhibited a big diorama depicting operation I-Go in the Solomons of 1943. Zero-sen Model 22 of 204Ku, Model 21 from a/c Junyo

Hamamatsu Kichi Moke-bu
JIETAI members based in Hamamatsu base but no details about the two models.

Mixi minna no mokei seisaku nikki
Mitsubishi Ki-83 by "Miki-san", MPM 1:72
Best J. X-plane model of the show.

Project 1/144
"Kanba-san" contributed six models
Tachikawa Ki-36, paper (!)
hand made
Tachikawa Ki-88, Anigrand
Tachikawa Ki-94, Anigrand
Kawasaki Ki-108, Anigrand
Fantastic Nakajima G5N1 "Shinzan"
Anigrand, flaps are movable!
Tachikawa Ki-94, Fancy Soldier

"Hetaro-san" contributed three UNBELIEVABLE dioramas mostly scratch built
 Battleship Yamato and "Pete", scratch and F-Toys

 Light Cruiser "Yahagi" and "Jake", scratch and F-Toys

Hiryu and Zero-sen, scratch and Sweet 


Harold K said...

George, four engines and twin tail is a Shinzan, isn't it?
Great work on display and I cannot BELIEVE the crowds!

D. Chouinard said...

If you are saving the best for last, I can hardly wait! Wonderful stuff!
And I agree with Harold K. those crowds are massive! Looks like the hobby is alive and well in Japan?


Arawasi said...

Thanks Harold. Duly corrected.